- Next trainer development cohort 25th-29th November 2024

Zzzzzzz… 3 Sleep-Inducing Email Subject Lines To Avoid

1st July, 2020

Zzzzzzz… 3 Sleep-Inducing Email Subject Lines To Avoid

Last week I received a dreary drip feed of emails with titles like these:


    • A message from our CEO (yawwwwwn)


    • Our June newsletter (sleeping like a baby)


    • Introducing our new website (get the crash cart)


I send these emails straight to the trash without an open. Do you too?


Not only are they boring, they’re self-centred too. They’re all about them and their interests (note the repetition of ‘our’) instead of about me and mine.


Why the hell should I care about their website/newsletter/CEO I’ve never met?


What’s in it for me? I’ve got a gazillion other things to do and looking at their website is so far down my priority list, it’s holidaying in Antarctica.


And I bet you’re the same.


So what could we write instead? Well, we could:


Make it all about the reader, so ‘A message from our CEO’ becomes: ‘[insert first name] – shop more safely


Create curiosity by highlighting a key part of your content. So ‘Our June Newsletter’ becomes ‘How to avoid overpaying tax’


Lead with benefits, so ‘Introducing our new website’ becomes: ‘100s of free marketing resources’


Let me put this into practice for you, because I DO have a new website and branding. And I DO want you to see it.


Don’t stop on this article, check out my new site if you:


1. Like funny/weird illustrations (as above)


2. Want to see if you’re smarter than my website reviewers who didn’t quite get the illustration on my About page


3. Enjoy my writing and want a fun read with your morning coffee


4. Want to get your mitts on nearly 5 years’ worth of free articles, blogs and videos on marketing, branding, writing and communication


5. Are a coach/entrepreneur and you’re curious about Kim’s School (No uniform required)


6. Want to keep your remote team engaged with interactive masterclasses to boost their writing, communication or personal brand


7. Need an energetic, expert speaker for your association, group or organisation (see all the juicy stuff I talk about)


8. Want inspiration for your own website/branding (call me if you need more help)


9. Are interested in what a personality-led brand looks like (I’ve ramped it up to Kim-5000 this time)


10. Have been on my list for a while and still don’t know what I do (Hi, Dad.)


Let me know what you think. It’s been a year in the making and I’m so happy it’s out there.

University of Cambridge


- Next trainer development cohort 25th-29th November 2024

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