- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024



Black Hole to Black Book: Winning More Business on LinkedIn

This one-hour video tutorial will show you how to turn those wasted hours spent aimlessly scrolling into hot leads for your business


Black Hole To Black Book: Winning More Business On LinkedIn

Do you spend hours posting on social media and get…tumbleweed?

Do you dread going on LinkedIn because you’ve no idea what to say?

Or maybe you avoid social media like your tax return, but worry that you’re missing out on some golden opportunities…

Worry no more. Mark Williams a.k.a. ‘Mr LinkedIn’ and I are here to take the ‘ugh’ out of LinkedIn and social media.  We show you how to turn those lost hours spent aimlessly scrolling into hot leads for your business.

In this tip-filled one-hour tutorial, we cover:

Social Media & LinkedIn 101

  • The 5 reasons your social media might be spinning its wheels
  • Social media essentials – how to get set up for success
  • Your social secret weapon (hint: it’s all about personality)
  • Why you should engage, not paintball


Winning with LinkedIn 

  • LinkedIn facts – how the algorithm works (and how to outsmart it)
  • How to build an effective network
  • The 5 social selling steps to help you win business
  • Creating killer content that your audience will read, like & share
  • Why the “softly, softly” approach is key to your success


About your presenters

Mark Williams first delivered a LinkedIn workshop 10 years ago when LinkedIn had just 32 million users. Fast forward to today and LinkedIn is now fast approaching 600 million users, thousands of which Mark has helped to be more productive on the platform, earning him the nickname ‘Mr LinkedIn’. He is also the producer and host of the popular LinkedIn podcast LinkedInformed.

Kim Arnold is an international marketing and communication consultant, helping companies stand out, connect faster with their clients and win more business. She believes that at least 80% of time spent on social media is a big fat waste of time! She loves helping her clients find effective and creative marketing strategies that squeeze every last drop of value out of their time and money.

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- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

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