- Next trainer development cohort 25th-29th November 2024


A bite-sized online marketing programme to help you get on top of your marketing once and for all

Do you feel crushed by the weight of your marketing?

Most people love their small business but HATE marketing more than their tax returns.

Marketing is the No.1 teeth-clenching, guilt-inducing thorn-in-the-side for most small businesses and entrepreneurs. Same for you, right? Let me guess.

You think marketing is…  

    • Confusing – I don’t know where to start, or what to focus on and what to ignore
    • Overwhelming – how the hell do I fit it all in with my day job?
    • Time-wasting – I need to get on with some REAL work!
    • Tiring – there’s just SO much to do – argh!
    • Expensive – help, I’m haemorrhaging cash!
    • Ineffective – I don’t know what’s actually working – if anything
    • Intimidating – there’s too much to get my head around

    …So you either ignore your marketing completely or you accept 2nd best as good enough. Hint: Neither option will do the job for you!

    Deep-down you know that marketing is your ticket to success. Why? Effective marketing brings in prospects that convert into paying clients.

    The clients that keep your business afloat. The clients that keep you doing the work that you love. The clients that pay for your Friday night pizzas, your holidays in the sun and that luxury handbag/gadget/watch (whose receipt you hid from your spouse…).

    And as you know, there are a bewildering range of marketing strategies out there to choose from, including: Digital, Email, Advertising, Events, PR, Direct, Inbound, Content, Social media. I could go on and on. But right now, you haven’t figured out which ones actually bring in those juicy prospects that convert. In fact, you’re going round and round in circles.

    Let’s END that energy-draining cycle RIGHT. NOW!
    Your business deserves better. You deserve better. Let’s transform you from overwhelmed to overjoyed. (That happens when you start to see results!) It’s time for a PLAN. A step-by-step map to help you WIN the business you want.

    I’m Kim Arnold, international marketing  expert, here to help you win more business by doing less (yes, you heard right, LESS!).

    I’ve spent two decades helping individuals and businesses unconventionally and irresistibly stand out so they connect faster with clients. I cut my teeth working for financial heavyweights, including Deutsche Bank and Thomson Reuters businesses, where I led large global communications teams across Europe, Asia and the Americas in 10 different countries.

    I now teach growth businesses and entrepreneurs all over the world how to build imaginative brands that attract, inspire and sell, as well as ‘brains and brawn’ marketing strategies that knock their competition out of the ring. I show them how great things can be done with small pockets!

    I’m a Prince’s Trust Mentor, helping young entrepreneurs bring their business ideas to life. I’ve been featured in Professional Marketing Magazine, Coaching Perspectives Magazine, The Listener, Business Bunker Radio and the LinkedInformed podcast amongst others.

    How To Beat Marketing Overwhelm is your ticket to create marketing strategies that attract customers. (Y’know – those people who give you money.)

    Goodbye Wheel of Hell. Well hello, masterful marketing that customers love!
    With this brilliantly effective online programme you get:

    • 9 bitesize 10-15 minute modules you can go through at your own pace
    • An awesome workbook that’s so fun & jam-packed with strategies I should really just call it a book – you won’t feel like you’re doing any work at all with this cheeky chappy
    • Saucy step-by-step tips you can put into practice straight away
    • Deliciously weird and wonderful advice that turns everything you know about marketing on its head
    • Sensational shortcuts that help you get ahead
      Endless examples to bring everything to life
    It’s time to:

    • Get crystal clear on what marketing activities ACTUALLY WORK to bring in new clients (and which are a big, fat waste of your precious time)
    • Be the boss of your marketing, in total control of where you’re headed (not on the marketing merry-go-round that makes you reach for the sick bag)
    • Find an easy, sustainable routine to make your marketing a daily habit that you actually look forward to (no more stop/start yo-yo marketing…)
    • Do less and do it better (less is more in marketing, I tell you)
    You’ll learn how to:  

    • Get into a marketing routine that you’ll stick to, for good
    • Make time for marketing, without it eating up all of your week
    • Hone your message and irresistibly describe what you do
    • Choose the right marketing activities to make you visible to your ideal clients
    • Get clear on what you AREN’T going to do (you will LOVE this part, I promise) to free up time
    • Build a steady stream of prospects that convert into client


    No more guilt about what you should be doing but aren’t


    To know what to do and when
    to do it


    Like you can go out and conquer your market


    You know what and what
    NOT to do


    No more panic


    To get cracking and attract the
    right kind of clients!

    Want more info? Sure thing, you detail-lover.

    Let’s get into the module topics…

    • Why the overwhelm?
    • No more yo-yo marketing
    • How to get great habits
    • How to be Full You
    • Building your Full You Story Part 1
    • Building your Full You Story Part 2
    • Getting to know your tribe
    • Connecting with your tribe
    • The start of something beautiful

    Sound good, don’t they? Well you wait until you dive in. My funny stories, ‘fast fixes’ and step-by-step techniques will transform your marketing from ‘meh’ to client-magnet. And you’ll actually have fun along the way! Marketing becomes VERY FUN when you start seeing RESULTS.

    At just £149, this course is a tiny fraction of the cost of working with me directly (a 1:1 day with me starts at £3000)…

    …but you still get access to all of my souped-up strategies, tasty tips and unconventional advice that are going to be gold dust for your business.

    And, you get to do it from the convenience of your home office, sofa or hell – even your hot tub (just don’t drop your laptop)!

    I’m so excited to have you join me. Just look at my little face – I can’t hold it in! It’s time for us to make some magic happen for you. Right now.

    P.S. Any questions about the course? Drop me a line at and I’ll get right back to you. 

    P.P.S. I think deep down you’re ready right now. Enough of the marketing overwhelm. It’s time for more paying clients, more fun and better results. Let’s do it!

    Transform your marketing from ‘meh’ to client-magnet. And actually have fun along the way! Marketing becomes VERY FUN when you start seeing RESULTS…





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    - Next trainer development cohort 25th-29th November 2024

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