- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

The instant way to win people over and sound like an expert

26th April, 2024

The instant way to win people over and sound like an expert

My travel agent, David, writes the BEST emails.


(I know, I’m so noughties using a travel agent.


But I love not dealing with Ryanair’s aggressive pop-ups pushing me to pre-book a hotel, Toyota Prius or ham and tomato panini – when all I want is a cheap flight to Tenerife.) 


Why do I love David’s emails?


Well, he gives me options, but always an opinion too:


‘The three hotels below tick all your boxes.  I recommend No.3 because it’s walking distance to the local town, whereas with the other two you’d need to take a taxi.’


Nine times out of ten, I go with his recommendation – it’s quicker and easier that way.  


But I’m not the only one to like this approach.  We’ve been doing some research into what people like most/least in the emails they receive (more on this in a few weeks’ time).


One of the biggest turn-offs?


Information dumping.


One of the biggest turn-ons?


Giving an opinion. 


But it’s not surprising really, is it? We’re all knackered and overwhelmed. 


If someone we trust gives us their opinion, it’s often a relief – especially if they give clear rationale behind their decision. 


And if we don’t know someone, it can be a great way to come across as expert and win trust.


So if you want to be the best thing in people’s inboxes, put your neck on the line.


Give a view.  A recommendation.  A suggested next step or path forward.


Sure, it can feel scary at first.


And it can take a little more thought and care than just an information dump.  


But boy, will people love you for it:


  • ‘There are 3 options below – I recommend #2 because it’s cheapest but still has great functionality’
  • ‘There’s more detail below, but I suggest we go ahead for these three reasons…’
  • ‘In my experience it’s best not to engage an agency for this project and concentrate on developing the team instead.’


Let me know how you get on (and if you need a great travel agent, hit me up…)

University of Cambridge


- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

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