- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

3 power phrases for your next update

22nd November, 2023

3 power phrases for your next update

You probably know by now I love a good call-to-action (CTA).


(Your CTA is your ‘ask’ and it goes at the end of the email.)


But recently, one of our brand new Email Engagement in-company trainers, the brilliant Claudette, asked this:


‘Kim – what if there is no CTA?  What if it’s just an important update?’


Let’s face it, most updates are about as exciting – and nutritious – as a butter sandwich.  They offer very little for the consumer.  


But these 3 power phrases can transform your dry update into a tasty morsel of information for your reader:


  1. What’s new (outline your big key message) ????
  2. Why it matters (explain the big impact) ????
  3. What this means for you (drill down on the personal impact for your reader) ????


These 3 little phrases help you grab attention and focus on the outcomes or benefits for your reader.


Here’s how it could look in practice: 


  • What’s new: We’re implementing a new client relationship management system
  • Why it matters: We’ll be able to answer more client queries, faster, through our help desk
  • What this means for you: You’ll deal with fewer basic questions so you can focus on selling


And you don’t have to limit this approach to emails – these 3 power phrases work for presentations, reports, you name it.  Any time you need to give an update, in fact.


So, tell me, what do you do to pep up your updates?

University of Cambridge


- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

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