- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

Comms lessons from the Arctic Circle

4th November, 2022

Comms lessons from the Arctic Circle

Surely it was the best meeting room in the world?


This was the stunning view from the meeting room in Svolvaer in the Lofoten Islands ☝️


I’d taken a bus, a train and 3 flights to meet a new client and take Email Engagement to the Arctic Circle!


My Norwegian client, Svend, warned me at the start of the meeting:


‘Kim, our English is pretty good…


(Reader: it was perfect)


‘But we might come across as a bit serious as we can’t always convey our humour in a different language.’


It was such a great point.


I know when I speak my (now rusty) German and Russian I don’t always sound like myself. I’m a bit stiffer. Too polite.


But it’s not just with foreign languages that we can struggle with tone.


I get asked about tone a lot in email writing. In a masterclass just this week I was asked:


‘How do I get the balance between friendly and direct?’


‘How do I make sure it comes across the way I mean it?’


‘How do I sound like ‘me’?’


But there’s a simple answer, and it’s this.


Imagine you’re sitting across the table from that person: what would you say to them?


Write that.


The online-you should sound the same as the in-person-you.


That’s what creates connections.


So tell me, do you think you sound like you in your emails?

University of Cambridge


- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

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