- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

Do People Think You’re Fun?

19th April, 2022

Do People Think You’re Fun?

If you’ve been reading my stuff for a while, you know I like to talk about my life and everyday experiences in my writing.


The weirder or funnier the better.


So why use my friends, family, long-suffering giant husband, pets, food mishaps and travel as fodder for my emails/ presentations/ masterclasses and more?


Well…life is funny!


I’ve written about…


  • Bubbles, the immortal goldfish
  • Being woken by howler monkeys in Edinburgh (weirdest alarm call ever)
  • Bags of gin
  • My love for bald Masterchef judge Greg Wallace (not what you think)
  • Courtney Cox and Bruce Springsteen
  • The time I got conned by a Santa look-a-like (now you’re curious aren’t you?)


So how does this apply to you?


Well – when people laugh – they…


  • connect with you
  • remember you
  • tend to like you
  • may even love you
  • spread the word about you
  • want to work with you
  • spend money with you
  • send referrals to you
  • hire you


I don’t know about you, but I don’t like buying from or working with people who are arrogant, over-bearing, pushy, boring, manipulative, cold, over-promising, dull, ‘corporate-y’, use the word synergistic, stiff, pencil-pushers who really don’t give a monkey’s about connecting with me.


They are only out for themselves.


But I love buying from and working with someone who makes me laugh, who understands me and has something wonderful to offer.


The picture above for example – this is damn funny. I want to have a pizza there, don’t you?


Don’t worry – you don’t have to be a comedian and you don’t have to be less professional. You certainly aren’t off the hook by being funny but not offering anything of value.


But if you’re not using humour in your meetings, presentations, with your team or as part of your sales process…well…


People might be forgetting about you as quickly as you meet them.




And it’s really tough to make an impression that way.


So think about what you can do to inject a bit of humour into your work life.


It can be hard in dark times to lighten up. But there’s always room for a smile.

University of Cambridge


- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

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