- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

A failsafe formula to win over your sceptics

19th April, 2022

A failsafe formula to win over your sceptics

Maths wasn’t my favourite subject at school (not surprising, given what a word nerd I am).


But I did love algebra, probably because of all the letters.


And copywriters A Thousand Monkeys shared one of their favourite formulae recently that I hadn’t come across before:


D x V x F > R


They write:


Change is a difficult thing for people to deal with. To overcome that Resistance (R), we have this powerful formula.


If people are Dissatisfied (D) and you have a Vision (V) of what’s possible and know the First (F) steps to take, you’re laughing.


So try these 3 steps when you’re next trying to win colleagues or clients over, whether it’s with an email, a presentation or in a meeting:


Highlight the problem – remind them why they’re dissatisfied ‘Onboarding new clients today is like pulling teeth – it’s painful, expensive and definitely not pretty’


Show them the future – ‘But it doesn’t have to be so hard. With this easy, affordable software that you can set up in your lunchbreak, you can onboard a new client in under 8 minutes.’


Give them the next steps – ‘Try the 5 minute demo’


Let me know how this failsafe formula works for you!

University of Cambridge


- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

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