- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

New Year, Old You (trust me on this)

6th January, 2021

New Year, Old You (trust me on this)

It’s lockdown. It’s raining. Everything’s grey and dark. And it seems it is in fact possible to have ‘done’ Netflix.


And yet magazines and websites are still peddling their old ‘New Year, New You!’ message. Ugh. Like we need something else to do right now on top of homeschooling and getting a Tesco delivery slot.


What was so wrong with the old me, anyway? Was I really so bad? The old me did a pretty darn good job of getting through 2020. I don’t want beef with her thanks very much.


And who wants to be friends with someone who reinvents themselves every January with cabbage soup diets or unsustainable exercise routines? Not me.


I’ve known one of my best friends since I was 10. Annie eats books for breakfast, has a big heart and toes shaped like Twiglets.


She’s reassuringly the same now as when we were at school together, and I love her for that. I don’t want a New Annie. I like the old one. Even with the toes.


And it’s the same for your business or personal brand, too.


We’re all drawn to people and businesses that are consistent – in their approach, their ethos, the way that they communicate. It doesn’t mean that they can’t sometimes pleasantly surprise us, but most of the time they deliver on our expectations.


They do what they do, when they say they are going to.


It’s reassuring. And it creates trust. And we only buy from, hire or promote people we trust.


So if people know you for being a great networker, keep connecting people in 2021.


If your business is famous for its excellent customer service, keep up the great work.


If (ahem) your readers say your emails are ‘informative, interesting, amusing, and sometimes downright challenging’ and you should ‘keep them coming’ – well, I’ll be doing just that.


I hope that’s some good news for you – it’s a new year but the old you might be just what’s needed. Be reassuringly reliable in a world that’s gone nuts.

University of Cambridge


- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

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