- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

Kerching! Stop Treating Your Marketing Spend Like It’s Duty Free

23rd October, 2019

Kerching! Stop Treating Your Marketing Spend Like It’s Duty Free

I’m off on holiday soon and I can’t wait. I get excited before I even get on the plane. It all starts in Duty Free at the airport.


Did you know that money spent in Duty Free isn’t real money?


Seriously, it’s true!


£50 on a champagne breakfast? No problem – I totally deserve it!
£100 on a pair of one-size-too-small heels? Such a bargain!
£25 on 2 magazines, a bottle of water and some Malteasers? So worth it!


It’s a bit like international waters – normal rules don’t apply. I’m in holiday mode and it just doesn’t feel like real money.


We once had an 8-hour delay in Gran Canaria airport – I hoovered up everything from designer sunglasses to a donkey-in-a-sombrero figurine.


But of course, in the cold grey light of England, faced with my credit card statement, I had serious buyer’s remorse.


Because, when I’m not blinded by the bright lights of Stansted Airport, I like my purchases to be useful and meaningful. To spend my money on things that I use every day and don’t just stick in the back of a drawer (damn you donkey).


And it’s the same with my marketing spend.


I only spend it on activities that bring real value to my business and that I can measure.


All too often I meet new clients who are unintentionally frittering away their hard-won money on a whole range of random marketing activities.


And they have no idea what’s working and what isn’t.


They’re acting like they’ve got money to burn – like it’s not real money.


So, if you suspect you’ve got the marketing equivalent of my donkey in your drawer, gathering dust, have a quick review of your marketing activities and ask yourself:


  • what results you’re trying to achieve (not just vanity goals like likes or followers but real goals that push your business forward)
  • how you’re going to measure success
  • over what period you’ll measure it
  • when you’ll review your progress and decide how to continue


Because our money is always real money, whatever we want to believe. (Note to self: leave credit card at home this holiday…)

University of Cambridge


- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

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