- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

How To Get Your Clients To Spill The Beans

5th March, 2019

How To Get Your Clients To Spill The Beans

I recently saw a brilliant interview with Sky News presenter Kay Burley. She said that she uses a simple technique to get anyone from pop stars to politicians to spill the beans.


It goes like this:


Kay: ‘What’s going on?’


[PAUSE, interviewee talks]


Kay: Really?


[PAUSE, interviewee talks some more]


Kay: Uh-huh?


[PAUSE, interviewee spills the beans]


Simple, isn’t it? But devastatingly effective.


It struck me that this is exactly the same technique that I use in many of my meetings with prospects and clients.


But I didn’t always.


When I first started out, I was WAY too focussed on telling prospective clients all about myself and my business, what I had to offer and why I was so perfect for them.


I used to fill every silence with a rambling monologue all about ME.


I forgot to ask questions.

I forgot to pause.

I forgot to listen.


And I didn’t allow my prospects to reveal their secrets – their wants, needs, headaches and dreams.


A huge mistake.


Because if you ask the right open questions and selflessly give the floor to your clients, they will often tell you exactly what you need to know.


They will give you the information and ammunition that will make your sale.


They will tell you the problems they’re wrestling with (the ones that you can solve).


So, don’t make the same mistakes I made. Harness the power of the pause if you want your clients to spill the beans.

University of Cambridge


- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

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