- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

Do You Know Your Audience? This Hipster Band Nailed It…

16th January, 2019

Do You Know Your Audience? This Hipster Band Nailed It…



The hipster wedding band we’d searched far and wide to get had PROMISED us no cheesy wedding tunes. Only cool stuff our guests would love. And absolutely, positively, definitely, no Dire Straits.


But now, wait, what was I hearing? Was that….no…it couldn’t be….surely not…the opening bars of….the Sultans of Swing?


I raced into the adjoining room, ready to go all Bridezilla on the band, but then stopped dead in my tracks. Because there was a lovely sight. Our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles were all on the dancefloor, strutting their stuff.


Sliding across the dancefloor on his knees, my cousin’s 5-year-old in his too-big suit parted the dancers like Moses and the Red Sea.


And everyone was having a brilliant time, rocking out with their air guitars.


The band clearly knew our guests better than we did. They did move on to more modern, cooler music, but not before getting every single person on the dancefloor, warmed up and ready to go.


It was a real lesson to me about really knowing your audience. All too often we assume that others are just like us (we’re all egotists at heart). That we know what they want already – because it’s just what we want, right?




We’re a colourful, diverse world full of different opinions, approaches and styles. Our needs and wants are not necessary the same as those that we want to influence and appeal to.


So, how well do you know your audience?


Take 10 minutes this week to think about your clients – whether internal or external. Ask yourself, what do they want and need? What gives them the 3am sweats or the tingles down their spine? Is it really what you think, or could you get to know them a bit better…?


So this year, give them what they really really want, not just what you assume they want. (Because it might just be more Spice Girls than Stormzy…)

University of Cambridge


- Next trainer development cohort 23rd - 27th September 2024

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