- Next trainer development cohort 25th-29th November 2024

Do They Know What You’re Made Of?

21st February, 2018

Do They Know What You’re Made Of?

The twenty-five-old me sat devastated by three little words: ‘Can appear cold’. I was reading my annual appraisal and I didn’t recognise the person that it was describing.


Me? Cold? Call me many things (and I know you do…), but cold could surely never be one of them.


But once I’d got over the initial shock, I began to grudgingly see their point. I’d beavered away so darn hard. Kept my head down. Tried to be uber-professional in my itchy power suit and click-clack heels. But in the process I’d Tippexed-out every ounce of my personality. I’d gone all corporate robot. And it had decimated my poor bonus….


So I decided to make sure everyone got to know the real me – still hardworking and professional, but also creative and fun, partial to big ideas, bigger earrings and a double G ‘n’ T after work on a Friday. And guess what? A big fat promotion came along just 6 months later.


So why do I tell you this? (I’m not usually a fan of the old humblebrag: ‘I’m only posting this photo of me on my private jet to inspire you to be your best self…’)


I just want you to know that you already have a personal brand, whether you like it or not. It’s what your boss, clients or colleagues say about you when you’re not there. And it’s so important.


Working till midnight and being on first name terms with the Deliveroo driver (‘Hi there, yes, it’s my 5th night of chow mein in a row, thanks for pointing that out’) is rarely enough these days to get hired, promoted or to win business. In our crazy-busy world, you HAVE to leave those around you with a lasting impression about:


  • why you’re different from everyone else
  • what exactly you’ve got to offer
  • why they should hire/promote/buy from YOU


Never thought about it like that before? Yikes. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. And I’ve got just the thing to help.


I’ve teamed up with 2 amazing experts in a fun-packed, one-of-a-kind masterclass that you will love:



(featuring Lego Serious Play)

9-12.30, March 27th, The Groucho Club

Introductory offer price: just £99!


Grab your ticket now


Yes, you read right, LEGO. I’m co-presenting this unusual, curious workshop that’s got everyone talking. Weird? Yes! Powerful? Double YES! This is your 3-step shortcut to personal brand brilliance. In just one short morning you’ll:


  • Build and visualise your personal brand in I’ve-forgotten-how-much-fun-this-is-Lego (with branding expert and Lego Serious Play Facilitator Shaun Jones)
  • Learn how to translate your personal brand into winning words that wow clients and bosses alike (with yours truly)
  • Discover the secrets to delivering with impact and influence with our host, Impact Guru and ball of energy Esther Stanhope


And if that wasn’t enough there are two more reasons why you’ve got to come along:


  1. It’ll be great networking with a fantastic mix of city professionals, entrepreneurs, creatives and business leaders attending
  2. It’s at the notorious Groucho Club (so you might spot a ‘sleb’ or two while you’re at it)


Limited tickets available now – it’s going to be a blast and we’d love to have you there.

Secure your place today

University of Cambridge


- Next trainer development cohort 25th-29th November 2024

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